Native GTK running on Mac OS X

K*K posted @ Sat, 23 Dec 2006 03:01:00 +0800 in 技术 with tags gtk mac osx linux , 4106 readers

Native GTK running on Mac OS X, originally uploaded by K*K.

Successful running GTK 2.11 2006/12/21 cvs version on Mac OS X, no X11, no more requirements!
1. Try to rebuild GTK with nquartz(Quartz Native) target, hope that GTK widget will looks like Aqua Widgets.
2. Merge Mac OS X like top menu patch in this version of GTK .

I recommend you to build it with a script, you can download it from:

Want to learn how to port GTK to Mac OS X, you can download Porting-Gtk-MacOSX.pdf guide by Anders Carlsson from my box Documents folder.

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